Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life).GREENDAY

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to do.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind.
Hang it on a shelf of good health and good time.
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial.
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.
I hope you had the time of your life.

I hope you had the time of your life."

Hoy ha llovido toda la tarde ...Hoy me he acordado mucho de vosotros/as ( mis cargolins)...He recordado esos días de lluvia suave, pausada pero constante...esos días en que yo abría las ventanas y la puerta del balcón de clase para sentarnos y escuchar en silencio el sonido de la lluvia...

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